Emotional showers

We design, we manufacture, we create
emotional showers

We offer customized emotional showers including chromotherapy, aromatherapy, music therapy and different effects of hot and cold water.

Tropical Shower

The tropical rain is an emotional and revitalizing shower where the combination of aroma and color transporting in a dimension where spirit meets body, easing tensions and preparing to various treatments. Alternating sequences of different water jets with particular aromas and chromotherapy to have the extraordinary feeling of being in a real tropical forest.

Cold Fog

It is rain water spray, flavored with mint. It has a relaxing, refreshing and invigorating action. It is indicated in cases of stress or cardiovascular disease due to slight vasodilatation and vasoconstriction effect.

Side Massage

Body massage with water jets enriched with ozone and air. Perfect for relieving stress and fatigue. Performed by means of multiple jets placed in order to follow muscles and venous return; it allows total muscle relaxation, also thanks to the absorption of oligoelements and mineral salts dissolved into the water.

Scottish Massage

The Scottish shower is a very old wellness treatment based on the variation of temperature and water pressure. The sudden changes in temperature produce various benefits that help to heal your body.

Scottish shower’s aim is to stimulate the circulatory system: when the temperature of the jets changes, blood circulation is restored, favouring an immediate drainage and dissolution of adipose tissues, making it an ideal treatment to reduce cellulite blemishes and water retention. The Scottish shower also helps you to relax your muscles and mind, eliminating stress and favouring relaxation.


The frigidarium was part of the Roman Baths where they could be taken baths in cold water. The frigidarium could have round shape or more often rectangular, with one or more tanks (piscinae) of cold water.

Today the Frigidarium in the SPA can be reproduced through cold areas where we can find fountains with ice flakes.

Water Bullet

The waterfall bucket gives your body an energizing chill with cold water. For a smoother and more radiant skin.


The kneipp path is based on the passage between two baths, where the alternation of hot (38°C) and cold (18°C) hydromassage allows to achieve an immediate positive effect on circulation and nervous system, also thanks to the pleasant feet-massage made by the small pebbles that cover the bottom of the both baths. The hot water soothes and eases the body, slowing down the activity of the inner organs. Cold water, on the contrary, stimulates and invigorates, increasing the inner activity.

The alternation between hot and cold reduces the stress and stimulates body and mind.

Leg Massage

The Vascular Route consists of a special long narrow swimming pool, divided into two parts: the first one with hot thermal water, the second one with cold water. During the passage from the first part to the second one, you have to climb and then descend a few steps. The route must be repeated several times if you want to improve the circulation of your legs.


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